What is the MSC multimedia library?
It is an online database containing images, audio, film and publications. It’s stored in the cloud to ensure ease of access globally.
Who is eligible to use it?
All staff of the MSC and some external parties are eligible to access the system. External individuals can also apply for a username and password, but will need to supply their MSC license number or the MSC contact they are working with. Our IT partner, Littlefish, will contact our licensing team to confirm Ecolabel license users or contact the MSC contact the partner identifies to confirm they should have access.
Who manages the multimedia library?
The Digital Communications team based in the London office. Littlefish, our IT partner, manage account approvals.
What do I need to use the multimedia library?
You should only need an internet connection and a browser with the most recent updated software.
Do I need to be in the London office to use the multimedia library?
No – the login page can be accessed from a computer anywhere in the world with an Internet connection.
What can I do if I forget my password?
From the multimedia library login page, select ‘Click here if you have forgotten your password’. You can then fill in your email address and a new password will be sent to you, which you can reset after logging into the system. If you continue to have issues, please e-mail digitalcomms@msc.org.
Can I change my password?
Yes. You must be logged into the system to do this. Click your name in the top right hand corner of the screen – this will allow you to change your password. Please note that your password must contain at least one numeric character.
Who has permission to upload resources to the multimedia library?
Any user of the multimedia library can upload resources to a holding area, which will then be reviewed by the Digital Communications Team before being made live on the system. Please consider reviewing the training materials before uploading any resource to the multimedia library so you can ensure that your uploads will be improved.
Why are resource standards important?
We want the multimedia library to be a useful and valuable tool, providing MSC staff with high quality resources that will enhance the work of the organisation. Pictures that are out of focus, of low quality or not broadly useful will not be accepted.
What happens to a submitted resource that does not meet standards?
A member of the Digital Comms team will be in touch about what the problem is with he resource.
What languages can I upload audio files, films and stories in?
You can upload stories in any language, but please make sure you write the Usage rights in English so that anyone can understand what their rights are to download resources.
Who has permission to download resources?
All MSC staff members and have permission to download resources from the system and external agencies on a case by case basis. Please be sure to check the Usage rights on each resource to ensure you have the right permissions.
How do I receive print ready images?
All users can download low resolution prints for web. In addition, users can download the original file which is usually high resolution and print ready. Usually you will find the format you want on the alternative format section of the asset.
How do I create a collection?
Use the dropdown arrow in the My Collections area (at the bottom of the screen) and click ‘Create New Collection’ located at the bottom of the dropdown list. Enter the name and hit return/enter.
Where can I get training/help using the multimedia library?
If you are an MSC staff member, please visit this page on Sharepoint for training. MSC Partners can access the MSC Partner manual at present and will soon be able to view an MSC Partner video.
What if I sign in and can’t see what I expect?
If you’re signed into the MML and can’t see collections you thought you would, the search function, or anything else then please get in touch with digitalcomms@msc.org and we will be able to give your account the correct permissions.